Friday, January 27, 2017

Being Present in the Run

     There could be several titles for today's blog.  I contemplated "The Energy," "The Spirit of the Run," "Running Spirits," etc, so before it just got weird, I satisfyingly typed the title at the top and felt it fit like the last piece in a thousand word puzzle.  "Being Present in the Run."  Yes, I purposefully used "in" instead of "on" because that is the meat of this brain snack today, the "in." Even if you do not consider yourself a runner, the concept of being present in any situation has the same benefits.
     Running, whether a short one or long one, is most often a positive, almost spiritual experience for me.  I say most often, because I'll be the first to admit, and runners will agree, there are once in a while, runs that feel like the running spirit has been sent on a route leading straight to hell.  Runs like that mentally feel longer than they should, and the body just isn't in the mood. Yet, I want to concentrate on the positive energy, so I'll save the "Even Satan Hates Me" for another day.
     It is the "in" that I intentionally make myself aware and present while swimming, biking, running...or driving..or sitting in the evening..or (you get my drift) that I want to discuss.  It is within this "in" I am present and aware of everything, and I become grateful to be doing what I am doing.
     On my last run, I had enough miles I had to complete that I was able to truly be present and aware of the colors of winter in Illinois.  I love the Midwest because I am treated by Nature to all four seasons. Over the passing of a year of running, one of my same routes changes in colors as well as landscape.  Take for instance, in January, the same dull and chalky asphalt country road that stretches for miles separating dark brown plowed fields on each side, changes drastically. In the heat of July, the very same asphalt road becomes shiny and jet black because of the hot summer sun melting the asphalt into tiny bubbles.  The road still stretches for miles, but in July becomes encased no longer by plowed fields, but six foot thick walls of deep green corn.  I have a friend that refuses to run on country roads in the summer due to feeling boxed in, but I just picture an Ironman finish lined with people waving their arms and cheering.
     It's not easy to stay "in" the run or workout because thoughts often drift to time outside of the run. Our busy lives and the lists for tomorrow or what happened yesterday are too often the focus.  It's time to take charge of the things that come to mind while training and guide them to the present. You can start out by choosing one of the five senses, and as you progress, you'll be able to take in more.
      First, be aware of your surroundings.  (you can even do this now where you are sitting) What colors do you see?  How many different colors do you see?  What shades of the same color do you notice?  Did your breathing slow?
     It takes practice but it works.  When you have the colors down, move on to the smells.  Recognizing this can be done in the country or the city when you are training.  Relax your shoulders. Again, be aware of how you're breathing.  If running...mile two just drifted into four ......

Enjoy the present, Buckers.


  1. Mindful meditation cousin! It works! Love you��

  2. Beautiful writing and I can really relate to what you describe. Most of my runs are spiritual, especially when I run alone. I am printing these and making a little book so I can keep reading them. Love it :)

  3. Thanks for sharing about your blog on Garmin! It's fun to learn about the experiences that other runners have. I hear you on this post; I don't run with music because I want to be present. I love hearing my feet, my breathing, running water and even the rain. Thank you for sharing Rebecca!

  4. Yes!! You are present and grateful for your health!! Love it!!
