Friday, January 6, 2017

Knocking on 50's door...

    During an early morning run this past week, my thoughts were drifting from how badly I had to pee...and was about to in my running tights, due to lack of ability to hold it since mid how awesome I was am I really going to turn 50 tomorrow?!  Then it hit me...yes, yes, I was.    
     Damn.  50.  That year when black balloons and laughter from coworkers fills break-rooms, and all kinds of weird shit like fake pills and farting whoopee cushions are given as gifts....but the joke is on them. As I was running this morning, I glanced down at my watch, and I was holding an 8:30 pace.  Now, that's not track star, Olympic pace, but still...after four miles, I was maintaining an 8:30 pace with  two more miles to go.  It then occurred to me.  F(*& 50.  I feel better now than I have ever felt.  Two kids, two divorces, a survivor of Melanoma cancer, and six Ironman triathlons later, yes, I will be 50 on Saturday, and I'm training to qualify for the Boston Marathon on April 22, 2017.

   I'd like to invite you along for the journey.  Join me on my journey to Boston and my journey to Buck50. Regardless of your age now, I have a few things to share that I've learned and witnessed over these past fifty years. I look forward to many early morning runs as well as the trials and jubilations I'll face over the next fifty years.  I've learned some valuable lessons and tricks on how to stay fit, maintain a great outlook on life, as well as truly umderstanding the meaning of honesty being the best policy.  So, follow me and join me every Thursday, because I assure you, it will be bucking interesting and often entertaining. :-)

                                         1995-1st Triathlon                      2016

1 comment:

  1. Hi Irongirl, this is great I love it. I agree with you: I am 55 and feel better than ever, running and working out everyday and enjoying the healthy life. I am looking forward to read your blog entries and learn from your experiences. Thank you for sharing, it is interesting and educational :0
