Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Gym Yorkie

     Training this week for Boston is going as well as can be expected, despite the fact that last weekend Mother Nature was a hormonal wreck..many can relate...and was so irritated with the Midwest last weekend, she transformed into a complete psycho and only turned up the temp to 8 degrees on Sunday. My option to running outside? (No, skipping a long training run is not an option.)

     I was forced to run fourteen miles on a treadmill.

     True story.  I was forced (forced by me) to go to the gym to run because my treadmill needs maintenance...again...many can relate...and I needed a treadmill that could handle the mileage.  Off to the gym I went and successfully completed the fourteen.  That's not what I want to discuss today.  It's what occurred after the workout in the locker room that is definitely blog worthy and needs to be addressed.

     I can't speak for what it is like in a gentleman's locker room, but in a female's locker room, there are two types of gymies.  There is the type that is modest with her parts, and there is the type that lets it all hang out like it's a Mardi Gras parade, and beads are expected to be given as tokens of appreciation, regardless of size or sag.   In case you are wondering, believe it or not, I'm modest...though quite bead worthy, I'm modest.  However, after showering, and yes, I was covered up, there  was a group of elderly ladies that had just come from swimming in the pool.  They had finished swimming, taken off their suits, and were just chatting it up without a care in the world and not a stitch of clothing on their bodies.

     That wasn't the issue.

     It was when I was addressed with a "Hello, how are you?" and brought into the conversation with three naked women standing in the middle of the locker room with nothing on..not a stitch of clothing or any indication that a towel would be reached for at any moment in the near future, that I began to feel out of the club.  Yet, that wasn't the issue either.  I'm perfectly comfortable conversing in a locker room with bare bottomed women, but well, how do I put this lightly, one of the women either hadn't looked down in twenty years to groom, or my mini Yorkie dog had snuck into the locker room and attached herself to this woman's lower half!

     No, I wasn't checking anyone out but this couldn't go unnoticed.  Apparently her friends were used to it.  All I could think was, No,Gracie! Get down! Bad dog!  Next, in my head, I'm telling myself, Only the eyes, just look at her eyes. Then, she turned around to grab a towel, and I swear I let out a breath.  I must have been holding it and not realized it.  Things were fine once the towel covered parts, but the disturbing vision remains.

    Why did I mention this?  Because grooming is important.  If you are going to spend time working on your cardio and building your muscles, it's important to remember the little things like shaving and using lotion, especially lotion on your elbows...dry elbows on myself as well as others, a pet peeve of mine...I know. odd.  (You just felt your elbows, didn't you? :-) Well, lotion those elbows
up and groom downstairs.

     Have a great weekend, Buckers. :-)




  1. That is way too funny and you have a way with words - great job! Love reading your blog. Yes, it is not much different in the men's locker either - we have one older guy that comes once in a while and starts talking to you without any stich of cloths or towel or anything - look only at the eyes, eyes only:)

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