Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Garmin Faceplant

On January 28th, my life as I knew it came to a screeching halt.  No, there wasn't a tragedy or death...though the next seven days of my life I'm pretty sure I thought I saw the Grim Reaper.  I had influenza, and my Garmin activity took a turn for the worst.  In fact, it looks like I completely face planted and didn't move for seven straight days.  I had an amazing training run that included speed work on Thursday the 26th, then Friday came and it began....the aches, fever, chills, headache, kill me now symptoms.  Three days into the sickness, I started to make deals in my head.  A prayer if you will, to the Great Wellness in the Sky.  It went something like this..."I just want to feel better so I can run, hell, okay just to even walk, okay, even get out of this recliner..I'll, um, well, I'll never say f*%$ anymore. (a very long pause) Or at least not as much.  Like only when things are bad. Like now, they are really f&(*&& bad.  If I could just suddenly get better, that would be so f*(&^^ awesome.  Amen."
OK, so I need to work on my prayer skills a little. I'm pretty sure I was heard but didn't seem sincere, so the sickness continued.  That's the thing with prayer, you have to be sincere.  I thought about that for a while, then the marathon in April came into mind.  I have to be sincere in my training if I truly want to qualify for Boston.  I do, and I am sincere. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing.  The speed work, the mid runs, the long runs, and most import, the rest.  Often ten miles are completed before school in the morning, so I don't miss out on family time.  Believe me, getting up at 3:52 (I have a thing about the number 7) in the morning to run ten plus miles is being sincere.  I couldn't be any more bucking sincere if I tried.  But will it be enough?  It will help for sure.  However, after completing six Ironman Triathlons (no, not bragging), I can honestly tell you, it comes down to the sincere belief in oneself, that crosses that finish line and reaches a set goal.  The miles can be stored and the speed work completed, but if my mind isn't set for the pace, it won't happen.  Does it hurt?  Yes.  Am I obsessed?  You have to be.  Do I picture the finish line?  Every day. 

Do you have a goal?  If not, get one.  Life is short, Buckers.  Your health is precious, so set a fitness goal and go for it this spring or summer...because somewhere today, someone is lying in a bed with failing health saying a sincere prayer to be well...and you are get up and use it.  I mean that sincerely, Buckers. :-)


  1. Irongirl, I am sorry you had go through that, but I am very glad you got over it and coming back stronger. Funny thing is about that same time I had a minor cold, not nearly as bad as yours, it was not bad enough to keep me from running.

    Thank you for writing this blog and sharing you knowledge and wisdom.

    Stay well :)


  2. Thank you SO much!! So glad you are feeling better and continuing to train!
