Saturday, January 27, 2018

Light and being a MiMi

Recently, I was looking out across the lake and noticed the light dancing on the water.  Millions of little ripples capturing the sunshine.  I thought of light.  It's reflection and how it is captured by so many things in nature.  In people too.  Once in a while you are fortunate enough to meet one of those individuals that seems to hold the magic of this light within them and allows it to dance from his or her eyes into yours for brief pleasurable moments.  Creating within the onlooker a sense of peace and pure joy.

"There's nothing like it,"  and "they will melt your heart" were a couple of the many phrases expressed with a genuine emotion from both men and women alike when describing having a grandchild.  "Um, sure," I would think and walk away with about as much belief as I have in getting an Ironman spot to Kona.  (For those with a positive attitude thinking.. “You just need to train!”are obviously unaware that I am quite sure I can't do an 11:30 IM qualifying time. 😅 ) Nevertheless, I would walk away wondering if such an emotion would be found from knowing this little human I would meet that my daughter would bring into the world.

Don't get me wrong, I was very excited she was on the way.  (Nowadays, one can practically send texts back and forth with the unborn child with the technology available, so it was definite it was a she.)  Yes, I was excited, but the type of excited these individuals that seemed to have and be members of a secret club of highly emotional, energized grandparents was evading me.  Months passed, sonogram pics were viewed, and the excitement grew but that big rush of emotion still wasn't present.  A few times, I was running or cycling and thought.. “Ok, now...maybe this rush will arrive.” Nope.  Either it was too soon, or I was just a complete heart of stone.  An outcast in the grandparent..or MiMi, as I would be called, world.  My sister even gave me a Mimi Life coffee cup that I filled with aromatic coffee and delightful great rush of emotion, just the excitement of the arrival.

Well, as guessed, because obviously they can't bake in the oven forever, the day of her arrival, September 29, 2017, was at hand.  I was even very blessed to witness the birth!  In fact, hold a leg while, it's quite a graphic ordeal...the birth. I didn't pass out and felt incredibly blessed to be part of such an amazing experience to share with my daughter and her man.

I saw the baby and admit, I felt a twinge if this emotional grandparent love but it took a bit longer for me.  I swore, I would never be one of those grandparents that constantly showed pics, videos, etc.'m like Rainman.  Bugging my daughter for pics for my daily screensaver at work, annoying her with constant phone calls...not just chat ones...because nothing spells crazy like standing in the middle of the produce aisle talking into a small square device to a baby on a screen in a voice higher pitched than necessary with emphatic devotions of love full of the secret society emotion I was now a part of in life. 
Yes.  It arrived...and then some.  That light?  I see it in Anniston’s eyes and hear it in my daughter's voice when she speaks to her.  Anniston responds with pure love, emotion, devotion, and trust. I see it in Anniston's father, Michael, when he talks to both Jensin and Anniston. I do know this sense of pure joy and love that was spoken of prior to her arrival.  The rush of emotion encompassing your entire being when I look at her.  Proudly, I show my pics and videos.  After all, Buckers, I'm a MiMi now.  What more did you expect? Me?  I got much more.  Much, much more.